Featured Fresh Meat

Where in the hell did all these cupcakes come from?!

The Big Fat Cupcake Curbside Truck, Kirby

We all know and love Clementine, the Original Denver Cupcake Truck, but did you know that Clementine’s no longer the only sugary, cupcakey girl in town?  There are at least 3 new cupcake trucks rolling around town, and in the words of Kathleen at the BigFat Cupcake Curbside (Truck shown to the right), hopefully, that means some great coope-tition opportunities. I know we can all come together to support all 4 trucks, right, Denver? I love Clementine’s Mile High Mocha, but I am sure we all love cupcakes enough to make sure that all 4 trucks are a great success! So, who’ve we got?

The Sweet Wheels

Clementine's partner and BFF, Clyde. Picture lifted from the Cupcake Truck's Facebook page.

First up, we have Clementine’s partner in sweet, sweet crime, Clyde! Sean, the proprietor of the original Denver Cupcake Truck, up and bought a second truck and has it all dolled up and ready to roll. He launched a naming competition via Facebook, and Clyde was the winning name.  He’s a beauty, and the perfect complement to the gorgeous Clementine.

Mentioned and pictured above is the Big Fat Cupcake Curbside truck, Kirby. These guys are selling mean and pretty cupcakes. I can vouch personally for the red velvet cupcake. It had me purring like a kitten! If you see these folks around, give ’em a whirl. I know it may feel like cheating – I almost felt like I should be wearing big glasses and a hat when I bought my midday dessert from them. But I think Clementine would understand. These guys can often be spotted around the 16th St. Mall weekdays.

Rosie Cakes truck. Photo lifted from the Rosie Cakes Facebook page.

And last but certainly not least is Rosie Cakes, representing the sassier side of sweets! I have yet to track these guys down, but rumor has it that their cakes are tasty as hell, and they certainly seem to be enjoying themselves, which is really one of the best parts of street food. I haven’t seen these ladies yet, but I’m pretty sure they’re hanging around downtown. The perfect reason to leave your office and take a midday walk. Sugar! And you can stop at the EVO Bean kiosk while you’re down there to get a caffeine boost, too!

So that’s the story, folks. Clementine has started a movement, and it’s our job to eat it all up! You can keep tabs on all 4 of the trucks following the twitter and facebook links for them in the sidebar.

What do you think? Have you tried them all? Who’s got your favorite cupcake on board? Can we eat enough cupcakes to keep them all busy?!